Attack Speed Runes Vs Dmg Runes

Attack Speed Runes Vs Dmg Runes Rating: 6,2/10 9250 votes

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I am a new player on lol and for some how i am drawn to Tryndamere.
Been reading a lot of guides about him but i cant decide on what runes to get him now that i am at lvl 20.
I know Crit dmg runes will benefit a lot at end game, crit chance will help his starting which he is more weak.
Thing is that crit dmg are double the price of the crit ones.
Is there any other champs that can benefit for crit dmg runes so those runes wont go to waste just in case i stop playin trynd?
Also, as for blue runes, those return the minimum benefit for crit dmg or crit chance.
If you replace the blue ones with attack speed runes will it be beneficial? I am thinking swings in a minute instead of number of swings.
Also, do you think that tryndamere is a good champ for a new player to have?
I am always playing solo, i dont have any team to play with and sometimes if the team set-up sucks you pretty much end up with a weak trynd since he needs the support at start. Thats why am leaning more on the crit runes, to be able to survive the few first lvls solo.
Give me your thoughts please.
If I were you i wouldn't buy any of those runes. The reason is they are good only for few champions (Tryn, Shaco, some other carries but that means they need to go straight crit)
You are going to spend a lot of IP for nothing, i suggest you read Searz's guide--->
If you want to buy runes for tryn, buy Armor penetration Reds and Quints, yellows probably Dodge (or Armor or Hp/lv probably), for blues Cooldown reduction or Magic resist (flat or per level)

B) People don't like building berserker greaves over merc treads. C) Faster attack speed also helps with last hitting, not that yasuo has ANY problem last hitting when he can simply e any creep he barely misses. D) You obviously don't need the attack speed runes if you are building Shiv - BotRK, but some people like to go Shiv - IE. Damage is the king for anyone whose spells also increase attack damage. 'Attack damage. Attack speed requires you and your target to stand still.' This statement works both ways. After you get sufficient IAS, you can whack someone twice, while you'd normally only get one hit in. What's the math on attack speed vs AD runes? When I'm playing a bot lane marksman I don't really look at attack speed as a damage tool. In most trades I'm either only getting 1 autoattack, or my attack speed is irrelevant because I'm using resets or filling downtime with other skills. I look at attack speed as a utility and farming tool. Damage Runes Way OP vs Defensive. ForFoxSakes (NA). Damage dealers no longer need to worry about that one stat until later when they can rune for it. Why build attack speed if you get a shit ton per level? Can just get damage and that attack speed compliments your previous lack of speed so you're spiking even harder with a single item.

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Minecraft Blood Magic Speed Rune

^ That. I've checked the math on full crit runes, with an ideal situation for Tryndamere and you are critting for.. 1600-1800 on someone with no armor. With even Fiddlestick's low armor, he takes 25% less damage which isn't enough to kill him even with his low HP.

Thank you to jhoijhoi for the sig, and all the dividers in the guide.

Normally, armor penetration runes are the best on any physical champion.
HOWEVER, since Tryndamere is so reliant on criticals, especially early game, it's NOT a bad idea to invest in critical strike chance Marks, Seals, and Quintessences.
But if you don't have the IP to afford that, I would recommend just going straight-up armor penetration marks and quintessences since they are much more all-purpose.
So... is it worth buying?
You guys kinda confused me.
If you have tons of IP and can afford the standard rune sets (ArP, MPen, AS), then feel free to grab critical strike chance runes.
However, since you're level 20, you definitely don't have these runes yet.
If you plan on maining Tryndamere for a LONG time to come, it's worth it to get critical strike chance Marks, Seals, and Quintessences, because they improve your performance as a Tryndamere player.
HOWEVER, if you regularly play other AD carries, then you're going to want to just stick with armor penetration marks and quintessences and only invest in critical strike chance when you can afford it much later.
Never get critical strike damage.
Tryndamere himself is a strong champion and is very easy to carry a game with. However, he relies heavily on being farmed and having a lot of his end game items. I recommend practicing your last hits and your farming.
Get ArP at 1st. Marks/Quits.
ArP is above CrC and CrD in every situation (even with 100% crit).
Yellows and Blues could be swapped as you please.
with new trynd you dont NEED any crit runes since you get 10% base + 8% = 18% just from passive+gloves in early game on 100% HP. Way more than you will need.
So i suggest if you are new, to go with defensive runes Dodge/MagicRes for Yell/Blu
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Thanks to jhoijhoi for the sig!

Blood Magic Speed Rune

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