Dmg For Emphysema
Everyone knows DMG (dimethylglycine) is one of the most powerful overall healing and effective anti-aging nutrients on the planet.
Indeed, ever since the FDA was forced to rescind its ban on the sale of this astonishing healing nutrient some 22 years ago, it’s been used (and highly recommended) by top doctors, clinical researchers, athletes, natural health gurus and well-known celebrities who strongly value its profound healing and anti-aging qualities.
Oct 28, 2019 COPD, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, is a broad category that encompasses multiple lung diseases. Lung diseases block airflow and make breathing difficult. The two most common types of lung disease are emphysema and chronic bronchitis.
Astonishing Cardiac Benefits, Too!
What can I expect during the final stages of emphsema? I am caring for Father-In-law, who has severe emphysema. He is also an alcoholic and was diagnosed anorexic. Emphysema cannot be cured, but some treatments can help slow its progression and reduce its symptoms. Treatments for emphysema vary depending on the severity of the disease and other factors like age, health, medical history and smoking habits.
What most people don’t realize is that one of the main reasons for the powerful healing and anti-aging qualities of DMG is its beneficial effects on cardiac function. This includes increased blood oxygenation, increased heart muscle energy, reduced cholesterol levels, reduced homocysteine levels, reduced blood pressure levels, reduced blood sugar levels and more.
Doctors describe how bad your emphysema is by using what they call “stages.” They use two main methods to come up with this information - the GOLD Emphysema Staging System and the BODE Index. Emphysema is a type of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) which is progressive in nature and characterized by a loss of elasticity and enlargement of the air sacs of the lung. As a result, the diseased lobes of the lungs become hyperinflated causing significant challenges with breathing. Read feedback on the Peroxide Inhalation Method for COPD from Earth Clinic readers here. Colloidal Silver for COPD. Colloidal silver is one of the top natural remedies on Earth Clinic for a variety of lung problems, including COPD. Emphysema Treatment. Reverse Lung Degeneration from Emphysema Using Natural Solutions. Have you just been diagnosed with Emphysema and suffering from shortness of breath, wheezing, dry cough, and low energy? Are you still having breathing difficulty even with the help of oxygen?
Indeed, because coronary heart disease now kills one in every five adults in the U.S., experts agree it’s now more important than ever for people to know about the dramatic heart-healthy and potentially life-saving benefits of DMG.
I could list dozens of the heart-healthy benefits of DMG in this article. But rather than make you sit through what might seem like a litany of wild, unsubstantiated claims, I’m simply going to show you what some of today’s top medical experts, practitioners, clinical research experts and natural health gurus have been saying for decades about the cardiac-boosting health benefits of this safe, powerful yet little-known nutrient.
For example, as renowned cardiologist Dr. Mitchell Pries, M.D., Ph.D., has stated from his own experiences treating heart disease patients with DMG:
“Cardiovascular patients on DMG almost universally experienced favorable reactions such as improved well-being, vitality and mobility; overall improvement in circulation…decreases in cholesterol levels…decreases in blood pressure… and improvement in cardiac response in patients undergoing exercise stress tests.”
Now that’s a pretty powerful statement, I think you’ll agree. Indeed, other than COQ-10, can you think of any other heart-healthy supplement, or medication for that matter, that’s ever garnered such high praise from a respected cardiologist?
Interestingly, Dr. Pries says most of the patients he treated with DMG had excessively high cholesterol levels of greater than 250 mg/dl when they started. But after taking 250 mg of DMG daily for 3 months, most showed a 19 percent drop in total blood cholesterol and as well as a major drop in triglyceride levels as well.
Dr. Pries’ patients underwent standard diagnostic evaluations including blood chemistry, electrocardiograms, stress tests and doplar blood vascular readings. He concluded that 125 mg of DMG, taken twice daily, was effective in producing significant improvement in his cardiovascular patients and allowed many to reduce their medication levels or eliminate them completely under his care.
I’ll show you what many other doctors are saying about DMG in just a moment. But first, let’s take a quick look at what one famous celebrity doctor (Ph.D.) has to say about his own personal experiences with DMG after he developed crippling angina pain and began searching for natural health solutions:
What Best-Selling Author Dr. John Gray, Ph.D.
(Author of Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus)
Says About the Heart-Healthy Benefits of DMG
As 64-year old heart disease victim Dr. John Gray, Ph.D., author of the bestselling book Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus has publicly stated about his profoundly positive experiences with DMG:
“Fifteen years ago I had angina heart pain. It was hurting a lot. I come from a family with a history of heart disease. One of my brothers died of a heart attack.
Another brother has had a quadruple bypass and three heart surgeries. And another one of my brothers has had two heart attacks. So it’s in the family. And suddenly I’m getting angina from stress. Pain in the chest.
So I research it and look into the natural solutions. So I find this book on DMG – also known as dimethylglycine. And I find out there’s hundreds of studies on dimethylglycine. Yet most people have never heard of it. The Russians did the original research on it. So maybe that’s why we’ve closed our ears to it. But it’s an amazing ingredient.
Without getting too scientific, it basically helps the body do one thing: absorb oxygen better. It oxygenates the cells. You can go without food for weeks. You can go without water for days. But you cannot go without oxygen. Everything shuts down without oxygen. And here’s something that will increase your oxygen uptake.
I took DMG one day. I took one pill of it, and my angina went away.
It came back a few other times and I’d take another DMG pill and it would go away again. No side effects. No toxicity. It just gives you oxygen. It gives you power. It’s amazing stuff.
It also helps the cells protect themselves from free radical damage. It neutralizes free radicals. And it helps your body produce SAMe, a substance which basically makes you happy. It also boosts glutathione levels and helps your body detoxify.
You get help for your cardiovascular system, because your heart now has more energy and more oxygen. You’re using the oxygen better. Your vessels absorb oxygen better. Your blood flow increases when you use dimethylglycine. Your blood sugar levels also balance when you take dimethylglycine.
Basically every system in your body will improve with dimethylglycine. It helps with everything. And if you’ve got low energy, dimethylglycine will help increase that energy. And that will be a huge boon.”
Now, you’ve got to admit, that too is quite a testimonial. And of course, you can see that Dr. Gray has really done his homework. He’s takes his cardiovascular health seriously. Through personal experience with DMG, he knows it works wonders. And through his research into DMG, he knows why it works so well.
What Even More Doctors Are Saying About DMG
Dr. Richard A. Passwater, Ph.D., is an award-winning research biochemist who’s been using DMG daily since the 1970’s. He became so enthused about studying its manifold healing benefits, he quickly become one of the world’s leading experts on it. He writes:
“Although DMG is an effective energy booster, stamina-enhancing and cardiovascular-building nutrient, many people looking for better health and wellness today either have never heard of it or are not aware of its many incredible benefits.
I had first learned about DMG during trips to the USSR’s leading heart institute in Moscow in the 1970s. They were researching the “oxygenating” actions of DMG in treating angina and other heart diseases.
I also learned that Soviet Olympic athletes were also using DMG to improve their endurance. My Soviet hosts saw my interest in DMG and since I was their invited guest of the heart institute, they were pleased to present me with books and articles on the subject, along with translations.
This became the basis for many lectures and articles on DMG during the 1970s.”
Indeed, Dr. Passwater eventually introduced DMG to Mohammad Ali late in his career, when he, as an aging fighter with flagging endurance levels, was having trouble taking on younger, faster fighters. Ali later credited DMG for the dramatic turnaround in his career, after taking on and beating not one, but three younger and faster fighters in a row!
Another top DMG expert is Dr. Roger Kendall, author of the groundbreaking book, Building Wellness with DMG. Dr. Kendall earned his Ph. D. in organic biochemistry from Penn State University and has held teaching positions at the University of Bridgeport and Ambassador University. He states of the heart-healthy benefits of DMG:
“DMG aids cardiovascular function by improving oxygen utilization, reduces elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels, decreases angina pain and high blood pressure.
It occupies a key spot in the metabolic pathway, which makes the cells of the body work more efficiently… Like a catalyst, it enhances the body’s functions at the cellular level.
… Our research has shown that DMG is especially important as a nutritional supplement for the reduction of stress, improved cardiovascular health, immune response, mental function and even overcoming auto immune diseases and cancer.
DMG breaks down to produce methyl groups and other derivatives of glycine. That is why we say in the book that DMG breaks down so you don’t have to…
DMG acts on the body to reduce the effects of hypoxia (low oxygen availability in the tissues) and reduces lactic acid buildup. This explains DMG’s ability to increase stamina, endurance and muscle recovery after heavy workouts.
Our work shows that DMG can help normalize high blood glucose and cholesterol levels, although we don’t yet understand the mechanism of these effects.
DMG recycles SAMe, the primary methyl donor in the body, which helps lower elevated homocysteine, an identified risk factor in cardiovascular disease. Through the methyl donor SAMe, DMG supports nerve function and neurotransmitter production.
DMG is an anti-stress nutrient that can help the body overcome various stress factors in a positive way.
Much research still needs to be done to better understand some of the specific ways that DMG aids the body in overcoming a wide range of degenerative conditions including heart disease and cancer.”
Dr. Kendall goes on to explain, in an interview with Dr. Richard Passwater:
“I’ve received many reports over the years from people relating how DMG improved their cardiovascular health. Specific benefits shown by DMG included reduction of elevated cholesterol, homocysteine and triglycerides levels, lowering of high blood pressure, elimination of angina pain, and increased exercise tolerance.
As a metabolic enhancer, DMG reduces symptoms associated with physical, emotional, and environmental stressors that can contribute to cardiovascular dysfunction.
DMG allows for better oxygen utilization at the cellular level, which reduces the effects of circulatory insufficiencies and heart pain (angina) due to low oxygen availability.
Better circulation to the extremities and less pain has been seen in people suffering from poor circulation to the lower leg muscles.
DMG can also reduce the risk of atherosclerosis (arterial plaque formation) by helping to lower homocysteine levels and reducing free-radical damage caused by lipid peroxidation. Along with elevated LDL and VLDL cholesterol, these are major risk factors in stroke and myocardial infarcts (heart attacks).
DMG can act as source of methyl groups, and, along with folic acid and vitamin B-12 can help convert homocysteine to methionine, an essential amino acid.
In this way DMG acts as a type of methionine pump, reducing a harmful excess of homocysteine, which causes free-radical damage to the arterial walls, while at the same time increasing the level of methionine, which can act as a free-radical scavenger.
For these reasons DMG is very beneficial to recovering heart patients and to those who want to reduce their risk to cardiovascular disease as they get older.”
Even More Doctors Declare Their Love
For the Heart-Healthy Benefits of DMG
According to Dr. Michael Cutler, M.D. of Easy Health Options newsletter – a board-certified family physician and graduate of Tulane University School of Medicine:
“DMG has been shown to have a positive impact on cardiovascular health, diabetes, blood pressure, stamina, immunity and mental acuity.”
And as Dr. Wayne Garland of the famous “Clinic Without Walls” has stated:
“Russian scientists discovered that DMG promotes healthy cardiovascular function, lowers blood pressure, cholesterol and triglycerides as well as supports the central nervous system glycine receptor, maintaining a healthy amino acid balance within the central nervous system.
Mislabeled for years as vitamin B-15, DMG is an effective energy booster, stamina-enhancer and cardiovascular-building nutrient, as it makes the process of metabolism in the body quicker and more efficient.”
According to Dr. James Balch, M.D., and Phyllis Balch, C.N.C., authors of the #1 bestselling natural health book, Prescription for Nutritional Healing:
“DMG has been found to reduce elevated blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels. It improves oxygen utilization by the body, helps to normalize blood pressure and blood glucose levels, and improves the functioning of many important organs.”
Indeed, Dr. Balch and his wife have identified in their book an astonishing 48 different bodily functions that research shows DMG affects positively!
To create a bootable USB drive from a DMG file on Windows, you will need to have the right utility. That's because DMG is not native on Windows. It is the Mac equivalent of an ISO file that has been in use since Apple transitioned from the IMG format with Mac OS X. Drag and drop the 'InstallESD.dmg' into the list of drives on the left and select it. This should make it appear in the Source box on the right. How To: Create a Bootable Install USB Drive of Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite How To: Open Third-Party Apps from Unidentified Developers in macOS. Part 3: Create Bootable USB from DMG in Windows Via PowerISO Step 1.: Download PowerISO and install it in your Windows PC. Step 2.: You can import the DMG file directly by clicking on ‘Burn' in. Step 3.:Now review the settings to select the burn speed. Step 4.: Now click on 'Burn' and wait. Dec 10, 2018 Method 1: How to Create Bootable DVD from DMG (Command Prompt) This approach utilizes a tool called DMG2IMG, which converts DMG file into ISO, the universally more compatible archive format. This ISO file is then burned using a command line execution in Command Prompt.
Even, generally no friend to natural health products, has this to say about the heart-healthy benefits of DMG:
“Dimethylglycine is often used to lower blood cholesterol and triglycerides and to help bring blood pressure and blood sugar into normal range…. Some people use it to reduce stress and the effects of aging, as well as boost the immune system’s defenses against infection.”
According to Dr. Janet Hull, Ph.D., CN:
“DMG has been shown to lower blood cholesterol, improve circulation and general oxygenation of cells and tissues, and is helpful for arteriosclerosis and hypertension – some of America’s most common diseases.
In Europe, where DMG is known as vitamin B15, it’s been used to treat premature aging because of both its circulatory stimulus and its antioxidant effects.”
In an online comment, Dr. Bartholomew of the Bluefield Clinic in Virginia wrote of his initial impressions after giving DMG to patients with high cholesterol levels and circulatory problems due to overweight and diabetes – two major heart disease triggers. He stated:
“I would like to take a few moments to express my initial excitement about DMG. We have been doing research at the Bluefield Clinic and in a small group of patients we have seen significant findings in a rather short period of time.
These patients are diabetic, overweight, and have circulatory problems. The most dramatic results to date were on a diabetic amputee, who was having circulatory problems in the remaining leg. Her cholesterol was above 300, her triglycerides were over 500…
After 20 days her cholesterol was within normal limits. Both pre and post DMG laboratory work was done in a hospital and is on record. I am going to continue with this clinical research and am very excited about what I am seeing with DMG.”
If you think that’s astonishing, check out this direct quote from a clinical overview published in the Townsend Letter for Doctors, in May 2000:
“DMG supplementation has been found beneficial for circulatory problems, high blood pressure and coronary heart disease.
Dmg For Emphysema Disease
DMG enhances oxygen utilization to the heart during hypoxia (low oxygen availability), reduces angina pain, and improves other characteristics of the blood, including reduced cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
According to a symposium conducted in Moscow in 1964 (USSR Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Biological and Medical Chemistry), the principal field of DMG application in trials conducted at over 20 clinics was in the treatment of cardiovascular disorders.
…The studies reported major improvements in the areas of arteriosclerosis, atherosclerosis, coronary circulation and myocardial function, angina pectoris and high blood pressure upon administration of DMG.
Good results were obtained on daily doses of DMG from 50 mg to 100 mg. The principal mode of action to which the improvements were ascribed centered on DMG’s ability to decrease hypoxia to the various tissues, to improve various oxidative processes in the body, and to normalize lipid and carbohydrate metabolism.
A four-year clinical evaluation of DMG by Dr. Mitchell Pries, M.D. of Palmdale, CA has confirmed the Soviet findings. In trials involving the administration of DMG (125 mg BID) to over 400 cardiovascular patients; Dr. Pries reported major improvements in the following areas:
- Mood
- Circulation to the extremities
- Cholesterol and triglyceride levels
- Angina pain
- High blood pressure
- Arrhythmias
- Stress tests
The patients were on a reduced fat diet and were maintained on their normal medication. Most of the patients in the study had elevated cholesterol levels of greater than 250 mg/dl.
After taking 250 mg of DMG for 3 months, most showed a 19 percent drop in total blood cholesterol and a major drop was seen for the triglycerides as well.
The patients underwent standard diagnostic evaluations including blood chemistry, electrocardiograms, stress tests and doplar blood vascular readings.Make bootable usb with dmg in windows.
Dr. Pries concluded that 125 mg of DMG, taken twice daily, was effective in producing significant improvement in his cardiovascular patients and allowed many to reduce their medication levels. He suggested that higher doses of DMG might yield a faster improvement in his patients.”
In an online article, Dr. Lawrence Wilson, a medical doctor and nutritional consultant with a degree in science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, states:
“DMG appears to help reduce serum cholesterol and triglycerides, and to help normalize blood pressure and blood glucose. In short, it is quite amazing.”
Likewise, Dr. James Chandler, N.D., Ph.D., has stated that DMG:
“…improves cardiovascular functions by reducing elevated blood cholesterol and triglycerides levels, helps to normalize blood pressure and glucose levels, and helps to maintain homocysteine levels within normal range.”
He further argues that DMG should be used by “people with cardiovascular issues, stress, support for neurological issues,” and for “general health and anti-aging purposes.”
Yes, Even More High Praise for DMG
As impressive as all of the above may be, there’s even more high praise for DMG’s astonishing heart-healthy benefits. Here are just a few more examples:
According to a report from Scientific Bio-Logics, Inc.:
“A clinical evaluation of DMG using over 400 geriatric patients showed a positive correlation between DMG and improvement in the heart and blood circulatory system.
The patients taking DMG, almost universally, experienced such favorable reactions as:
- Uplifted feelings of well-being, vitality and mobility.
- Overall improvement in circulation as measured by the Doppler method.
- Decrease in elevated serum cholesterol levels
- Reduction or elimination of pain in those with stable angina pectoris.
- Fewer recurrences for patients suffering from cardiac arrhythmias.
- Decrease in blood pressure for those with hypertension.
- Improvement in heart response in patients undergoing exercise stress tests.
- Elevated systolic blood pressure was reduced from a high of 98 to levels of 85 to 88.
- Lowered average triglyceride levels from 200 to 110 mg.
Both the DMG treated group and controls were also on a prescribed program of diet and exercise.
The increase of available oxygen in their tissues produced a drop in the blood pressure readings of a group of hypertensive patients and brought their pressure readings down into the normal range.
At the same time there was a notable improvement in their mental and physical performance as a result of taking DMG.
Over the past few years DMG has been used in the U.S. and the Soviet Union as a nutritional adjunct in the treatment of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, allergies, chronic fatigue, emphysema and other respiratory problems, liver disorders, alcoholism, immune response deficiencies and sports practice.”
According to
“People with cardiac problems may need extra dimethylglycine.”
According to best-selling author and film-maker G. Edward Griffin:
“DMG is one of the most important nutrients for optimum health and longevity; yet it’s almost unknown to the general public. Its unique properties were identified by Ernst T. Krebs, Jr., who introduced it to me in 1972. I have been taking DMG daily ever since and would not be without it.”
![Emphysema Emphysema](
According to
“DMG is good for the heart. It has been found to lower blood cholesterol and triglycerides, and help normalize blood pressure and blood glucose.”
According to Dr. J. Noverini, D.C., an ardent DMG advocate:
“Several of my patients and myself have been taking DMG. Not only do we feel well overall, but our immune systems and liver and heart functions have improved as well. I highly recommend DMG.”
DMG is also highly recommended for its profound heart-healthy benefits in the best-selling book The New Super-Nutrition: Your Guide to Super Health and Vitality by Dr. Richard A. Passwater, who listed the nutrient under the heading “Supplements for a Strong Heart” while explaining that it helps prevent heart arrhythmias in cardiac patients.
A white paper by researchers Dr. Sanford Bolton, Ph.D. and natural health expert Gary Null, states:
“Russian research has shown that DMG exerts a protective effect on coronary artery occlusion and myocarditis in animals. Oxygen utilization was improved. The Russians also have conducted numerous clinical studies reporting positive results in diverse disease states, with particular success in cardiovascular diseases.
Some of the Russian successes are in atherosclerosis, coronary insufficiency, and hypertension. In one study, as an example, a dosage regimen of 150 mg given for 20 to 30 days resulted in an improved condition in patients with ischemic heart disease. The author claimed that oxygen consumption in the heart muscle was stimulated.“
Likewise, Dr. Robert C. Atkins, M.D., highly recommended DMG for its fatigue-fighting and heart-healthy benefits in his best-selling book, Dr. Atkins Vita-Nutrient Solution: Nature’s Answer to Drugs.
Dmg For Emphysema Vs
And Dr. Charles D. Graber, in his study, “Immunomodulating Properties of Dimethylglycine in Humans,” published in the Journal of Infectious Diseases, explained that DMG “enhances oxygen utilization by tissues” (which, of course, is extremely heart-healthy) and was found to be a powerful immune-booster, as well.
His study determined that not only does DMG oxygenate tissues throughout the body, but it also increases antibody production by more than 400% in humans and stimulates cellular immunity as well.
Finally, Dr. John W. Lawson, Ph.D. of the Department of Microbiology and Molecular Medicine, Clemson University, has written, “DMG is a versatile nutrient and an intermediary metabolite that can enable a person or animal to function at more optimum mental and physical levels. It aids the body in overcoming a number of adverse health conditions, and is an intricate part of human metabolism. DMG has been used as a nutritional supplement for over 25 years. In a broad sense, DMG protects the body from many forms of physical, metabolic and environmental stress.”
Dr. Lawson also points out, in his clinical overview titled “Recent Findings on Dimethylglycine: a Nutrient for the New Millennium,” that DMG reduces cholesterol/triglyceride levels, helps eliminate hypoxia (poor oxygenation of the body), improves coronary circulation and decreases angina pain.
He states: “Beginning in 1975, work done on DMG in the United States began to confirm many of the health benefits found in the Russian studies…The clinical and nutritional benefits of DMG were quickly recognized, especially in areas of cardiovascular disease and weakened immunity associated with degenerative conditions, aging and increased stress.”
He further wrote, “Individuals with cancer, heart disease, allergies, chronic fatigue syndrome or diabetes generally have a compromised immune system and could benefit from supplemental DMG to enhance their immune response to various immunological challenges.”
And as Dr. Lawson concluded in his clinical overview:
Dmg For Emphysema 2017
“DMG supplementation has been found beneficial for circulatory problems, high blood pressure and coronary heart disease. DMG enhances oxygen utilization to the heart during hypoxia (low oxygen availability), reduces angina pain, and improves other characteristics of the blood, including reduced cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
According to a symposium conducted in Moscow in 1964 (USSR Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Biological and Medical Chemistry), the principal field of DMG application in trials conducted at over 20 clinics was in the treatment of cardiovascular disorders.
The studies reported major improvements in the areas of arteriosclerosis, atherosclerosis, coronary circulation and myocardial function, angina pectoris and high blood pressure upon administration of DMG.
Good results were obtained on daily doses of DMG from 50 mg to 100 mg. The principal mode of action to which the improvements were ascribed centered on DMG’s ability to decrease hypoxia to the various tissues, to improve various oxidative processes in the body, and to normalize lipid and carbohydrate metabolism.“
It’s no wonder, then, that other famous health gurus who have strongly recommended DMG for improved health and well-being include Dr. Al Sears, M.D., Dr. Morton Walker, D.P.M., Dr. Bernard Rimland, Ph.D., natural health author Jaquelyn McCandless, Dr. Joseph Mercola, D.O., Dr. Fred Pescatore, M.D., Dr. Charles Graber, Dr. Ray Sahelian, M.D., Dr. James Frackelton, M.D., and numerous others.
Best DMG Supplement
Targeted Nutrients – a company that specializes in supplying unique and often difficult-to-obtain therapeutic-quality nutritional supplements – is one of the very best sources in the world for pure, high-quality DMG.
In fact, unlike previous forms of DMG that tended to break down in the presence of humidity and therefore had to be packaged as tablets in individual aluminum foil pouches so they wouldn’t lose potency, the therapeutic-quality DMG supplied by Targeted Nutrients is highly stabilized.
This allows it to be packaged like normal nutritional supplements in easy-to-swallow capsules (with no clumsy foil packaging), giving it far longer shelf life and allowing it to maintain maximum potency for years on end.
This gives you a far more potent and effective alternative to the older and far less stable forms of this powerful heart-healthy anti-aging nutrient. (This also allows you to more conveniently carry DMG in your daily pill monitor!)
What’s more, most distributors of DMG supply only 60 capsules per bottle, and offer only 100 mg. per capsule, for a total of 6,000 mg. per bottle.
But when you order from Targeted Nutrients, you’ll get a whopping 100 capsules per bottle (that’s 40 more capsules than usual). And each capsule contains 125 mg. of pure, therapeutic-quality DMG, rather than only 100 mg.
That’s a grand total of 12,500 mg. per bottle.
In other words, you get twice the DMG…and it’s the pure therapeutic-quality, American-sourced DMG rather than the unstable, inferior-quality Chinese-sourced DMG other companies offer!