Flanking 5e Dmg

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  2. Flanking 5e Dmg Level
  3. Flanking 5e Dmg Generator

Ability Scores

Flanking (5e Variant Rule) From D&D Wiki. If a flanker takes up more than 1 square, it gets the flanking bonus if any square it occupies counts for flanking.

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We tried the optional flanking rules since we missed them from 4E/DDM. Since it's possible to move around an opponent in 5E without provoking OA's, flanking was too easy to obtain, and those creatures (the rogue, mostly) that had sneak attack bonus damage were able to get it too easily. So we stopped after a single session with those. Jan 24, 2017  5e D&D annoying players Arcana Assassins Guild backgrounds Banishment bonus actions combat Counterspell critical misses Curse of Strahd D&D adventures Divine Smite DM's screen DMs Guild Elminsters Guide to Magic feats Fireball flanking Force Grey grappling Group Ability Checks healing homebrew Insight Lightning Bolt Lucky feat magic items. Create new 5E campaign. Only Combat Enhancer (1.5.7) and Token Helper(1.1.8). Load PHB and DMG. Create character. Add dart to inventory. Add Dwarven Thrower (from DMG) to inventory. Identify Dwarven Thrower. Add token to character. Add character to combat tracker. Add bad guy to combat tracker. Make bad guy visible. The 5e DMG has a fix for this: a rule for making monster group (mob) attacks without rolling millions of attack rolls, and without a single all-or-nothing attack roll. You consult a chart which tells you how many attacks hit. For instance, if the monsters hit on a 13, 1/3 of the attackers hit. 1) 5e is an intuitive and accessible game: wizards did a great job making 5e very simple and intuitive to play while retaining a good deal of depth. This makes it easy for new players to get in to it (alot of people were too intimidated by the complexity of 3.5 to even get started) and also makes it simple to run for experienced players. Spell Sheet; Monster List; Magic Items; Encounter Size Calculator; Initiative Tracker; Random Generator; Random Dungeon Generator; Random Encounter Generator; Random Magic Shop Generator; Random Treasure Generator; Weird Fiction. Weird Name Generator; Random Generator; Science Fiction. SciFi Name Generator.

Character Creation Outline

Gods & Pantheons


  • 3rd Party Publisher Races


  • 3rd Party Publisher Classes
  • Barbarian
  • Bard
  • Cleric
  • Druid
  • Fighter
  • Monk
  • Paladin
  • Ranger
  • Rogue
  • Sorcerer
  • Warlock
  • Wizard



  • Adventuring Gear
  • Armor
  • Mounts and Vehicles
  • Tools
  • Weapons


  • 3rd Party Publisher Spells
  • Alternate Magic Rules
  • Spell Lists by Class
  • Spells A-Z

Magic Items

  • Artifacts
  • Magic Armor and Weapons
  • Magic Items by Other Publishers
  • Magic Rings
  • Rods, Staves & Wands
  • Wondrous Items

Monsters & Foes

  • Monster Templates
  • Monsters By Type
  • NPCs

5e Flanking Dmg


  • Alternative Rules (other Publishers)
  • Diseases
  • Hypertech (3pp)
  • Magic Items
  • Monsters & Foes
  • Naval Adventures
  • Poisons
  • The Planes of Existence
Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
Hit Points 39 (6d8 + 12)
Speed 0 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover)
8 (-1)
14 (+2)
14 (+2)
SkillsDmg Perception +6
Condition Immunities prone
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 16
Languages Deep Speech, Undercommon, telepathy 120 ft.
Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +1 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d6 - 1) piercing damage.

Eye Rays. The spectator shoots up to two of the following magical eye rays at one or two creatures it can see within 90 feet of it. It can use each ray only once on a turn.

1- Confusion Ray. The target must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw, or it can't take reactions until the end of its next turn. On its turn, the target can't move, and it uses its action to make a melee or ranged attack against a randomly determined creature within range. If the target can't attack, it does nothing on its turn.

2- Paralyzing Ray. The target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Flanking 5e Dmg Level

3- Fear Ray. The target must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, with disadvantage if the spectator is visible to the target, ending the effect on itself on a success.

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4- Wounding Ray. The target must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw, taking 16 (3d10) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Create Food and Water. The spectator magically creates enough food and water to sustain itself for 24 hours.

Flanking 5e Dmg Generator

Spell Reflection. If the spectator makes a successful saving throw against a spell, or a spell attack misses it, the spectator can choose another creature (including the spellcaster) it can see within 30 feet of it. The spell targets the chosen creature instead of the spectator. If the spell forced a saving throw, the chosen creature makes its own save. If the spell was an attack, the attack roll is rerolled against the chosen creature.