Mac Os X App Cleaner

Mac Os X App Cleaner Rating: 6,4/10 8047 votes

Nov 23, 2018  The only feature AppCleaner is missing is the ability to search for files left over from Apps previously uninstalled. No App Uninstaller is 100% effective in finding every single file installed by an Application and some are inaccurate as they can incorrectly identify files which do not belong to the App being uninstalled. App Cleaner - The best app to remove applications service files on Mac OS X and uninstalling applications. Delete application's service files. Make sure they aren't eating up precious space on your Mac with this helpful app that does the legwork for you. Disable unneeded login items to launch Mac faster.

  1. Mac Cleaner Software
  2. Clean My Mac X

AppCleaner is overall extremely easy to use and the small interface is very self explanatory. An excellent tool to keep your Mac clean AppCleaner is an excellent uninstaller for searching and destroying files that would otherwise be left behind during the uninstall process.

In general, you need to have 15% free space on your hard disk for it to work smoothly. But all computers get clogged with user files and trashes left behind by different operating applications.
Mac is no different. To speed up, optimize and clean your Mac you can use some of the best cleaning apps for mac. These cleaning apps for mac repair disk and disk permissions, erase free space all the while creating more room for efficient functioning.

1. OmniDiskSweeper for Mac

OmniDiskSweeper for mac is a free utility application that can both find and delete large files. It thus provides a fast and highly efficient way to recover and restore the lost disk space.

This cleaning app for mac provides you the list of disks attached to your Mac. You can select a particular disk and OmniDiskSweeper will show you all the files and folders present in it and arrange them according to the size.

OmniDiskSweeper can reorder folders. It can automatically recalculate file sizes as you delete old and space-hogging stuff. It will quickly display files that are occupying large gobs of space on your hard drive. But beware; there is no undo button in case you delete important files.

2. AppCleaner for Mac: Best cleaning app for mac

Most Mac users believe that uninstalling just includes trashing the applications/software. But it requires way more procedures before it is truly and completely gone from your Mac. AppCleaner is an uninstaller that will make sure to remove all your unwanted files that are being left behind during the uninstall procedure.

AppCleaner is an uninstaller that will make sure to remove all your unwanted files that are being left behind during the uninstall procedure.

On its user interface, installed apps are segregated into applications, widgets and others. The search feature inbuilt into the application allows an easy finding of the apps and the ‘SmartDelete’ will instantly detect and trash all the items related to a particular app. It also allows you to remove plugins and components.

3. CCleaner for Mac: Another cleaning app for mac

Most widely used maintenance tool in the Windows. Though, reduced in form, it has now been made available for Macintosh. It has very limited features and just cleans up Safari and Firefox. But it does allow you to select which parts of safari you want to clean up i.e. browsing history, cached data, cookies etc.

In terms of hard drive cleaning, it can clear trash, recent files and folders and recent applications. It will show you the amount of space created after cleaning but doesn’t display the progress. All in all, it can be a powerful tool but doesn’t hold much utility for the time being.

4. CleanMyMac

This application can effectively remove all the unnecessary files and increase the speed of your Mac OS X. It performs a system cleanup to find unused language files, registry files, cached data and much more. It is extremely configurable with a user-friendly interface. A must have app for recovering space on your hard drives.

Quite like AppCleaner, it can search and remove large files, delete fragments and trails left behind by uninstalled apps, empty the trash and delete duplicates of images placed in iPhoto.

This cleaning app for mac also shows you unused applications that can be deleted. The best part is the quick efficiency with which the app works. It is one of the best solutions to clean and speed up your Macintosh HD.

5. CleanMyMac Classic

It scans for and deletes the following:

  • Outdated cache: The data that web pages and applications generate to load faster but become useless thereafter.
  • Unneeded logs: Files with information about the event history of any particular app. It is essential only for developers.
  • Language files: It allows your OS X to support many languages you don’t know.
  • Universal binaries: These files allow you to work on a multitude of platforms and architectures that are different from yours.
  • App and system data that is outdated corrupt and not used anymore. Includes junk, trash, and app leftovers.

The inbuilt ignore list helps the software to skip potentially troublesome files and protect more important ones from scanning and deletion. The ‘Quick Erase Files module’ can overwrite the desired files in a way that it becomes unrecoverable with any special tool.

Its sophisticated algorithms make it the safest cleaning option. Plus it is compatible with the latest versions of Mac OS X.

6. Magician for Mac:

Mac cleaner software

A stable operating system, Magician for mac is simple and has a slick user interface. It maintains and optimizes Mac OS X, removes duplicates and cleans unnecessary files.

Mac Cleaner Software

It can uninstall applications and provide reports of online apps that are consuming up space on your hard drive. It has recently been updated with the anti-Trojan detectors.

It is however not recommended! The overall application is poorly translated, requests email address and the credibility is somewhat doubtful.

7. AppDelete for Mac: A cleaning app for mac by Reggie Ashworth

AppDelete makes sure to remove all the associated junk files when you uninstall applications. You just need to drag programs, you want to be deleted, onto the app icon. It does the rest for you. Alternatively, it can search for applications installed on your system.

This application allows you to keep a log of all the data you are removing. It also provides an Undo feature, which can roll back the last change you made.

The feature called Orphan detects files that have been left behind by uninstalled apps and that are no longer in use. Moreover, the developers are very responsive. So, no worries about getting stuck anywhere.

8. MacClean

MacClean, a cleaning app for mac is equipped with features of cleanup, optimization, privacy care and security protection. It scans deeply to detect any malicious threats and thereby creating a safer and cleaner work environment on your Mac.

So, it keeps you safe from potential risks. It automatically scans and removes all the junk and unused files and applications, unused image copies, redundant binary junk and useless background extensions. Blackrazor 5e dmg.

9. Disk Diag for Mac

Fast, simple and efficient, Disk Diag automatically scans which files are clogging up your Mac and clean them. It displays quick results using ‘Smart Gauge’. With a slick user interface, it is very easy to use.

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In my opinion, only about 20 percent of an app’s features should be considered premium features that users should have to pay for. However, In most cases, users really only need the other 80 percent of features which should be free. But, to get those useful 80 percent of features, users have to dig into their pockets and pay for the 20 percent of features they don’t really need.

For CleanMyMac, a disk cleaner, which part is the 80 percent you should have gotten for free? Is there an app that provides that 80 percent?

Clean My Mac X

Of course, there is. I’d like to recommend Trend Micro’s Dr. Cleaner, a free app that’s comparable with CleanMyMac.

Let’s see what functions CleanMyMac provides to its subscribers that Dr. Cleaner also provides, while pointing out features in CleanMyMac that might create problems or aren’t that necessary for the average user.

1. System Junk

“System” as defined by CleanMyMac includes user cache files, system log files, as well as the application language packs. The latest version of Dr. Cleaner supports the cleanup of user cache and system files, but stops at removing application language packs due to safety considerations: for certain software, there might be program errors once the language pack is removed. Moreover, a single language pack is very small and does not significantly affect the entire disk space

2. Photo Junk

When iPhoto users synchronize their phone camera with the computer terminal, it creates residual cache files that speed up photo browsing for the user, but also increases the burden on disk by using up space.

We can say that this kind of space consumption is a double-edged sword, since browsing is speeded up. But for infrequent iPhoto users, this feature is somewhat superfluous. You get this feature as one of CleanMyMac’s value-added services, while Dr. Cleaner merges this function into the iTunes cache-cleaning function, because this function is too simple to separate out for display.

3. Mail Attachments

When using the Mail app on the Mac, you can accumulate a lot of attachments over time. As you can see, these attachments are located in CleanMyMac, but did you know there is a risk when cleaning mail attachments? Once you have removed a mail attachment and are unable to sync to your mail server, you cannot get them back. In Dr. Cleaner, we designed mail caches into the Junk Files feature which does not affect your mail attachments.

4. Large Files

Large file scanning is a very useful feature. Users tend to ignore what they have downloaded, such as large software installation packages or movies. These large files can account for half of the disposable space of the disk. This function can indeed become a paid-for function, as it is with CleanMyMac, but in exchange for the support of its users, Dr. Cleaner provides this valuable function for free. With Dr. Cleaner, you can also lock some files that you don’t want to remove in case you want to make sure you do not delete important files.

5. Disk Map

We think it is user-friendly to help you manage all the files on your hard disk using a visual map, so we added the Disk Map feature into Dr. Cleaner for free. However, no functions like this can be found in CleanMyMac.

Disk Map quickly scans your drive and builds an amazing visualization of all the files and folders on your computer, allowing you to easily navigate the system and find the content that takes up the most space.

In addition, all folders and files under the home folder are listed out by size. As for some system-required critical files, deleting them would provide a prompt that those are important and are not allowed to be removed. With the Disk Map feature you can also find out when a file or folder was created, modified or last opened. Furthermore, hovering your mouse on one folder then clicking the magnifier icon will direct you to the file location.


Is Dr. Cleaner worth trying? Absolutely, yes! Don’t hesitate. It not only cleans up your disk space but also solves other Mac issues you might have. In addition, we are also the least expensive cleaning app on macOS. If you still cannot afford it, you can call your friends or family to share the cost. Thanks Apple for letting us share wonderful applications together via family sharing. Regardless if you are new to the Mac or an advanced user, Dr. Cleaner will be a good choice for you. While Dr. Cleaner can help you free up a lot of space, please don’t forget to back up your important files, in case an unfortunate event happens like your hard disk malfunctions. We regard customers’ data security as the most important thing. I hope you will have fun with Dr. Cleaner in the future!

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