How To Build Dmg On Gnar

How To Build Dmg On Gnar Rating: 5,9/10 5185 votes
  1. How To Build Dmg On Gnar Minecraft
  2. Gnar Top Lane Build
Not Updated For Current Season
  • Sep 22, 2018  Full DMG Gnar Jungle - edit. Gameplay Uncut: Mein Let's Play Gameplay Channel:
  • Built fully tank, he reaches Mundo levels in mega-Gnar form: 5000+ HP, 240 Armor, 180 MR, 120 HP/5. However, the tank build's falls off in the late game. Another direction to take him would be to build him to splitpush, building Runaan's before Hydra (mega-Gnar is already great at clearing waves with his AoE kit).
  • Jun 11, 2019  Gnar's w in mini form is basically vayne's passive. If you hit enemy 3 times, you get nice bonus dmg on then, calculate from max hp. But also it provides decaying ms buff for you. (tip - use aa, q, aa combo for a good trade.) In mega form, it is AOE stun in a line for 1.25 sec with nice dmg. Gnar's e is position jump, which dmg based on your hp.

No, this is not a "OMG GNAR OP PLEASE NERF QQ" thread. Looking for legitimate advise on how to build against him as a tanky melee top laner. Do you build armor to deal with his autos and Qs? Or MR to deal with his Hyper procs? Anyone have a breakdown of what% of Gnars damage is AD vs AP early game?

Mac operating system snow leopard download 10 6. This guide has not yet been updated for the current season. Please keep this in mind while reading. You can see the most recently updated guides on the browse guides page

How to have FUN with Gnar (top)

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How to build dmg on gnar build

This Build

this build is just here to show you a great way to have fun with gnar. this is not a proper build on gnar. DO NOT go ranked using this build!
Mini gnar's w passive in level 18 deals 14% of a target max health in magic damage. This build is entirely foucused on that feature.
Let's imagine this situation:
you are lvl 18 and you have hurricane, bork, wits end, mr boots, frozen mallet and the r. omen.
at this point you have:
2881 HP
151.7 armor
97 mr
180 AD
2.3 attack speed
370 mov. speed

How To Build Dmg On Gnar Minecraft

You against 3 champions: A, B and C (they can't move or attack)
let's pretend they have 2000 hp each.
if you attack one of them 3 times for instence champ A you do:
(remember, they have no armor and mr)
-8%of2000(160) BORK
-180 AD
-8%of1660(132,8) BORK
-180 AD

Gnar Top Lane Build

-8%of1347,2(107,7) BORK
-180 AD
-14%ofMaxHP(280) HYPER
You would deal 1270 dmg in 1,3 sec to target A. (Because your 2.3 attack speed it would take 1.3 sec)
If B and C were near A, B and C would take:
(remember, they have no armor and mr)
-8%of2000(160) BORK
-180/2 AD (hurricane)
-8%of1750(140) BORK
-180/2 AD (hurricane)
-8%of1520(121,6) BORK
-180/2 AD (hurricane)
-14%ofMaxHP(280) HYPER
If you have a lot of attack speed you can deal a ton of dmg.
mini grar's w affects multiple targets if you use hurricane. you can deal a lot of dmg by comboing it with BORK. Adding to that, as your w deals magic damage wit's end is a great choice. it not only decreases the target mr but it also boosts your own mr, and as if that wasn't enought, WIT'S END GET'S BOOSTED FROM THE HURRICANE. you will get a tremendous boost in MR.
at this point you have more than enought attack speed, but as you are not allways in your mini gnar form you need hp and tenacity. buy the mr boots wich have the tenacity you need and go for a frozen mallet. it will make it harder for targets to run away and add a lot of HP. just to add a bit more hp and armor, buy the omen.
I hope you have a lot of fun playing gnar this way.

Skill Sequence

w is everything in this build. but there is no point in maxing it 1st if you have no attack speed. remember that!


cleanse spell is also a viable option. it works great late game but it is bad early