Uninstalling Advanced Mac Cleaner

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Remove Advanced Mac Cleaner from system Open a Finder window. Click Applications line on the sidebar. Select the application related to Advanced Mac Cleaner, right-click it and choose Move to Trash. Select Go in the menu bar and then click Go to Folder option. Copy and paste the following text. How to Uninstall Advanced Mac Cleaner - Steps Head to the Utilities subfolder in the Applications file folder. Run the embedded Activity Monitor. Hit Quit whenever you're ready. Click on the back arrow tab and check out your own Application folder. Save your work and reboot your operating. Advanced Mac Cleaner is fake utility software that appears to be reliable Macintosh computer tool. This rogue program claims that it helps improve system performance. It asserts that it can detect and able to fix issues found on your Mac. Apr 26, 2018  What is Advanced Mac Cleaner? Advanced Mac Cleaner is a Potentially Unwanted program. At first glance, Advanced Mac Cleaner may seem useful because it promises to clean up your Mac from malicious files, fix errors and remove unnecessary from your computer. Advanced Mac Cleaner. Advanced Mac Cleaner is a rogue software that causes lots of PC problems. Advanced Mac Cleaner promises to help users optimize the system to run faster and get rid of potentially unwanted programs as well. However, Advanced Mac Cleaner is not a trustworthy program. How to remove Advanced Mac Cleaner? Step 1 - Remove Advanced Mac Cleaner with AdwareMedic. Step 2 - Remove Advanced Mac Cleaner with Bitdenfender.

  1. Advanced Mac Cleaner How To Delete
  2. Delete Advanced Mac Cleaner App
  3. Advanced Mac Cleaner Uninstall
  4. How Do You Uninstall Advanced Mac Cleaner

Advanced Mac Cleaner is a program we can easily consider a scareware. You probably downloaded it yourself after clicking on an ad offering you some magic tool to improve your Mac’s performance. This is how Advanced Mac Cleaner is usually installed, after promising a full clean-up of your computer, to make your Mac even faster. It will also promise to remove all issues that could be already affecting your Mac.


The problem is that once Advanced Mac Cleaner is installed and its so called scan is done it will find a huge amount of problems, some of them, according to Advanced Mac Cleaner quite serious. The “Clean Now” button however, will do nothing else than take you to a website asking you to pay for the alleged clean-up. You will discover at this point that everything said by the tool was completely false. As fast as you decide to remove Advanced Mac Cleaner you’ll also discover that it’s not possible… you might then try to search the net for a way to remove this unwanted tool that keeps telling you that your computer is at a fragile state and you need to fix it. On this point you’ll realize that 99% of the removal guides found online are nothing but fraud attempts. Don’t worry you finally arrived at the right place to remove Advanced Mac Cleaner for free, no tricks!

How to remove Advanced Mac Cleaner ?

This page is a comprehensive guide, which will remove Advanced Mac Cleaner from your computer. Please perform all the steps in the correct order.

Remove Advanced Mac Cleaner with AdwareMedic

AdwareMedic is a program dedicated to fighting adware. AdwareMedic can identify and remove malicious adware from your computer. When your computer becomes infected, AdwareMedic can provide the needed assistance to remove the infection and restore the machine back to optimum performance.

How to remove pop up page mac cleaner software Lastly, go to your Finder and select Go menu.

  • Download AdwareMedic from the below button :
    Download AdwareMedic
  • Double-click on AdwareMedic.dmg file and drag the AdwareMedic app (the blue, circular icon with the medical case in the middle) onto the icon for the Applications folder and release the mouse.
  • Get the lastest Adware signatures, go to the Menu bar and select Scanner and then Update Adware Signatures.
  • Click the Scan for Adware button to immediately scan your Mac for components of any known adware.
  • After the scan finishes, if your system is clean, you will be told that nothing was found. Otherwise, a window will open showing the adware that was detected.
  • The checkboxes allow you to specify which items are to be removed. (By default, only files that are definitively bad will be checked.) Clicking the Remove Selected button will remove any items that are checked, and will leave any that are not checked in place.
Your machine should now be free of Advanced Mac Cleaner. If you are still experiencing problems while trying to remove Advanced Mac Cleaner from your computer, please start a new thread in our support page. Someone will give you free assistance very fast !
Click here to go to our support page.

One of the most common scams online are pop-up adverts for tools that claim to be able to ‘clean’ your Mac and improve its performance. Unlike legitimate Mac cleaning tools, these programs start scanning your Mac without your consent, claim to have found problems and then demand payment. Advanced Mac Cleaner is one such program.

Advanced Mac Cleaner How To Delete

What is Advanced Mac Cleaner?

It’s an application that claims to clean and protect your Mac by scanning it for potential problems. However, the problems it finds are fake and it offers no protection or performance improvement for your Mac. It is a category of software known as ‘potentially unwanted programs’ (PUPs) that are downloaded to your computer by stealth and launch themselves without your consent.

In the case of Advanced Mac Cleaner, it is usually bundled with other applications, so that you have no idea that you’ve downloaded it until it pops up on your screen. When it does, it claims to be scanning your Mac so that it can clean it and protect you from malware. Of course, it finds lots of ‘problems’ and then tries to sell you a ‘solution’ by persuading you to part with your cash. In addition to trying to persuade you to pay for a full version of the app, it also tries to upsell other supposedly helpful utilities.

Can it harm my Mac?

Advanced Mac Cleaner is not a virus, and there’s no evidence it will do any lasting harm to your Mac. However, the Advanced Mac Cleaner pop-ups are an irritation and it can slow down the performance of your computer while it’s running.

If you take the bait and pay for it, you will have spent money for nothing. But you will also have given your credit card details to people who use scam tactics to take money and so your financial security would be at risk.

How can I avoid Advanced Mac Cleaner?

The simplest way is to leave your Mac security settings for downloading applications at their default. That way, if you try to download an app that’s not either from the App Store or a trusted developer, you will see a warning and will be required to manually override the security settings. As Advanced Mac Cleaner comes bundled with other tools, when you try to download one of those tools you’ll see the warning. If you’re worried, don’t give permission for it to download.

As a general rule, avoiding malware is accomplished by being vigilant about not clicking links in emails or messages your receive or on websites, unless you are absolutely sure where those links lead. Also, there are some websites that are more likely to host malware, such as PUPs bundled with apparently legitimate applications, than others. These include sites that offer access the latest movies, TV programs, games and software for free, and some free porn sites. You should avoid those if you want to minimize the chances of downloading malware.

Tip: If you want a tool that can free up disk space on your Mac by getting rid of unnecessary files, we recommend CleanMyMac X. This is a legit app that is notarized by Apple, meaning it doesn't contain any malicious components.

How can I uninstall Advanced Mac Cleaner?

Delete Advanced Mac Cleaner App

First of all, launch Activity Monitor from Applications>Utilities and look for a process called “Advanced Mac Cleaner”, select it and press the Quit Process button in the toolbar, then close Activity Monitor.

1. In the Finder, click on the Go menu and paste this: ~/Library/LaunchAgents/

2. In that folder, look for a file called “com.pcv.hlpramc.plist”
3. When you find it, drag it to the Trash
4. Click on the Go menu in the Finder again and paste this: /Library/Application Support
5. Look for a file called “amc” and drag it to the Trash
6. Again in the Go menu, paste this: ~/Library/
7. Find the file “AdvancedMacCleaner” and drag it to the Trash

Don't give up just yet, we're almost there!
8. Go to the Applications folder and drag the Advanced Mac Cleaner application to the Trash
9. Empty the Trash
10. Launch System Preferences from the Apple menu and choose the Users & Groups pane
11. Click your user name and choose Login items
12. If there is an entry for Advanced Mac Cleaner, click the “-“ sign next to it to remove it.

Take a shortcut: Destroy it with a legit cleaning app

If all steps above seem like a lot of effort, there is an easier way. CleanMyMac X is a real cleaning tool for your Mac. CleanMyMac X has been notarized by Apple meaning it doesn't contain any malicious components. Unlike Advanced Mac Cleaner, it does actually scan your Mac and identify files that can be safely deleted to free up disk space. It also uninstalls applications at the click of a button, including removing all the files associated with the application, including those in the Library and Application Support folders. So you can use it to remove Advanced Mac Cleaner.

Step 1 – Make a Ubuntu bootable USB stick while running Mac OS This is simple – follow the instructions here. Note that step 3 is not very well described – you will end up with a file called “ubuntu.img.dmg” that you will need to rename “ubuntu.img” by just renaming the file in the Mac OS finder. Ubuntu dmg download for android. Ubuntu is an open source software operating system that runs from the desktop, to the cloud, to all your internet connected things. Download Ubuntu desktop and replace your current operating system whether it’s Windows or macOS, or run Ubuntu alongside it. Alternative downloads. There are several other ways to get Ubuntu including torrents, which can potentially mean a quicker download, our network installer for older systems and special configurations and links to our regional mirrors for our older (and newer) releases.

1. Download CleanMyMac X (a link to free version) and install it
2. Click on the Uninstaller utility
3. Look through the list of applications, or type “Advanced Mac Cleaner” into the search box
4. Check the box next to the Advanced Mac Cleaner icon
5. Press Uninstall

What if I’ve already paid for Advanced Mac Cleaner?

Inform your credit card company immediately. Tell them you think you may have been scammed and that your details are at risk. They will cancel your card and issue with a new one. Then, follow the steps above to remove Advanced Mac Cleaner from your Mac.

Advanced Mac Cleaner is potentially unwanted program that seeks to persuade you there is a problem with it that it can fix, as long as you hand over money in the form of credit card details. In reality, it has downloaded itself to your Mac without permission, hasn’t scanned it and hasn’t found any problems. Of course, if you hand over money you won’t improve the performance or security of your Mac but will have exposed your credit card details to someone with a bad intent.

Advanced Mac Cleaner Uninstall

You can remove Advanced Mac Cleaner using the steps outlined above, and you should also inform your credit card company, if you’ve paid for the ‘full’ version of the application.

How Do You Uninstall Advanced Mac Cleaner

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